At about the time of the millennium Steve Hall first became aware of the work of Edward Wesson . Here was some one who had managed to put aside all the verbal clutter about the medium of watercolour and put down on paper what he observed in as simple and honest fashion as was possible. Sadly Ted Wesson is no longer with us, however he was such a prolific painter and demonstrator that literally thousands of his paintings are still in existence and regularly appear in both galleries and auctions.Other artists with a similar honest approach to the medium have also influenced Steves style and approach to painting including Edward Seago, Jack Merriott, James Fletcher-Watson and lately John Yardley, with whom he had the pleasure to paint at Dedham Hall.So join with him and explore all that is good about fresh watercolour. It is to embark on a journey that is unending and at times full of frustration and pitfalls yet, for the determined traveller, one that can be so rewarding.